Tradition's Green Tea, is a classic Taiwanese green tea. Green tea is brewed from tea leaves that have not been oxidized and are native to China and India. Green tea has a grassy, buttery flavor, according to some. Green tea is said to be sweet by some. This gentle and excellent Taiwanese green tea is ideal for brewing and everyday pleasure.
To make this tea, simply steep it in hot water and leave it to steep until you reach the desired strength. Then take a drink and enjoy.
Tradition tea is a sub brand of Good Young Ltd, a famous fifth generation Taiwanese tea processing company which inherited decades of tea processing knowledge and culture.
- Ingredients: green tea
- Product Weight: 100 Tea Bags x 2 g
- Product of Taiwan
- 茶湯黃綠明亮、香氣飄逸清新、口感輕盈動人。
- 加入適量鮮奶與糖,更別具一番風味。
- 取一袋茶包置於杯內,沖入200c.c.沸水,浸泡約2~3分鐘,取出茶包即可飲用。
- 可依個人的喜好濃度,調整浸泡時間及茶包量。
- 可加入冰塊,製成冰飲。
- 規格:2g/100入
- 有效期限:36個月
- 原產地(國家):台灣
- 食用方式:取一袋茶包置於杯內,沖入200cc沸水,浸泡約2-3分鐘,取出茶包即可飲用。